Jungdo receives reports of unfair business practices or unreasonable demands using positions and corruption, and is handled in a non-public manner. Your precious words become the cornerstone of transparent management.
¡Ø Report handling principle: The confidentiality of the informant is absolutely protected, and the informant does not receive any disadvantages due to the report.
¡Ø Unfounded reports will not be investigated.
¡Ø Please fill in according to six principles. (who, when, where, what, how, why)
Report type
Receiving bribes (including money) and entertainment from business partners
Financial transactions between business partners and employees
Harm to the counterpart
Matters related to working discipline
other unethical conduct
Embezzlement and theft of company funds, self-seeking
¡Ø Report handling principle: The confidentiality of the informant is absolutely protected, and the informant does not receive any disadvantages due to the report.
¡Ø Unfounded reports will not be investigated.
¡Ø Please fill in according to six principles. (who, when, where, what, how, why)